Why always have honey at home? Know the properties of honey Honey in UK is a delicacy that hides a multitude of properties and the best multivitamin that we can have at our fingertips. It is highly nutritious and contains minerals such...
Honeycomb And Their Benefits What Is Honeycomb? Honeycomb is a natural product made by honeybees and can be used for many purposes. It has been used since ancient times for sweet taste and numerous...
The best properties of Rapeseed Honey In all corners of the Earth, it is known about the existence of honey is used as a supplement of high nutritional value. It is a healthy product and is available...
Acacia honey: everything you need to know Acacia honey has multiple health benefits, which have encouraged that for some years now, this food has acquired a special place in many homes. Today it is easy for people...
Christmas Treat: Biscuits with wholemeal flour Recipe Biscuits with wholemeal flour and The Nature Queen Honey are without butter or milk derivatives and without sugar, another of those recipes that my friends will love while waiting for...
5 recipes with honey and lemon for a healthy body and skin The unique combination of Organic honey in the UK and lemon is used to relieve cough and flu conditions or to clear the throat. It is a mixture between sweetness...